Flowingly Product Update – Process Map Sharing

Flowingly Product Update – Process Map Sharing

Flowingly Product Update – Process Map Sharing

Making Sharing Process Knowledge Easier than Ever 

We’re excited to announce an exciting new feature that will help process maps more collaborative and accessible – introducing process map sharing in Flowingly! Sharing your process maps has never been easier, whether it’s with your team, externally with partners, suppliers or contractors, or embedded on external websites.  

    What’s New? 

    📨 Internal Sharing: Connect Within Your Organisation 

    Share your insights seamlessly within your organisation by enabling internal sharing. With just a click, your team can access and collaborate on process maps, fostering a culture of shared knowledge and efficient workflows. 

    🖐️ External Sharing: Extend Collaboration Beyond Your Walls 

    Extend collaboration beyond your organisation by sharing process maps externally with third parties such as partners, suppliers or contractors. Empower external entities with a comprehensive view of your processes, promoting transparency and alignment. 

    🌐 Embed in External Websites: Showcase Your Work Dynamically 

    Take your process maps to the next level by embedding them in external websites. Whether it’s a client portal, partner platform, or public website, your process maps can now be seamlessly integrated, ensuring stakeholders always have access to the latest information. 

    🔒 Public Sharing Setting: Full Control at Your Fingertips 

    Manage the process of sharing with the new Public Sharing Setting. Users now have the ability to set the sharing status to public or private, ensuring that sensitive information is kept secure.  

    🎯 Effortless Filtering for Efficient Management 

    Enhance your management efficiency with the ability to filter maps based on their sharing status. Easily find and manage public maps with a dedicated filter, streamlining your workflow and keeping everything organised. 

    👁‍🗨 Public View for External Stakeholders 

    For public users, accessing a shared process map is simplified with a public URL. No login required – just click the link and gain instant access to the mapped processes. 

    Ready to start sharing? 

    Embrace a new era of collaboration and accessibility with process map sharing. Explore our new sharing features now and revolutionise the way you share, collaborate, and showcase your workflows. 

    For a more detailed view of how to share process maps in Flowingly or how to embed a map in your website refer to our knowledge base. 

    Flowingly Product Update – Process Map Linking

    Flowingly Product Update – Process Map Linking

    Flowingly Product Update – Process Map Linking

    Elevating Process Connectivity with Process Map Linking 

    Our latest update is about to redefine how you visualise and navigate your processes – introducing Process Map linking! Connecting processes and navigating seamlessly between them has never been more accessible. 

      What’s New? 

      🌐 Drag, Drop, and Link with Ease 

      For Flow Builders, the power to establish relationships between processes is now at your fingertips. Simply drag and drop the new component onto the canvas, and configure it by linking it to an existing published process map. Building connections between your maps has never been simpler. 

      ✍️ Multiple Use Cases 

      Linked process maps will be a game-changer for teams in many ways – whether they’re used to build mega-sequential processes or as sub-processes within a process.

      1. Linking sequential processes together, where you’d link from the end of one process to the start of another. E.g. from Recruitment to Onboarding.
      2. Linking to sub-processes or other levels of process in the middle of a process. e.g. linking to the Raise Invoice process at a step within another finance process.

      🔄 Effortless Navigation Between Linked Maps 

      As a user, experience a new level of process cohesion. Easily navigate between different linked maps and their parent map without leaving the page. No more bouncing between screens – everything you need is conveniently accessible in one central location. 

      👀️ View All Related Processes at a Glance 

      Imagine a workspace where all related processes and their details are seamlessly integrated. With Process Map Linking, users can view linked process maps, gaining a holistic perspective of interconnected workflows. No need to switch between tabs – everything you need is right there on the same page. 

      How It Works 

      • Drag and Drop the Process Map Linking component onto your canvas. 
      • Link the Process Map Linking component to an existing published process map. 
      • Users can effortlessly move between linked process maps and the parent map for a comprehensive view. 

      Ready to Elevate Your Workflow Experience? 

      Are you ready to embrace a new era of workflow connectivity? Explore Process Map Linking now and witness the seamless integration of related processes in one centralised space. 

      Check out our knowledge base article for a deeper understanding of how to use the new process linking functionality. 


      Flowingly Product Update – June 2023

      Flowingly Product Update – June 2023

      Flowingly Product Update – June 2023

      NEW – Conditional Forms

      We are excited to announce our latest product update, the much-anticipated conditional forms feature.  

      With the introduction of conditional forms, users now have the ability to hide or display certain field types based on conditional logic. This dynamic behavior is configured within the modeler, allowing users to customize their forms to cater to specific business requirements. 

      This highly requested feature will allow users to create intelligent and dynamic forms that adapt to specific use cases, ensuring that end users are presented with only the most relevant and essential information. 

      If you’re interested in checking out conditional forms in your Flowingly environment, get in touch with our CS team and they can enable it for you! 

        Key Features


        Field Types 

        Conditions can be applied to the following field types: 

        • Short Text 
        • Long Text 
        • Checkbox
        • Dropdown 
        • Options List 
        • Multi-Selection List 
        • Task List 
        • Currency 
        • Email 
        • Number 
        Conditional Logic 

        Users can define conditional rules within the modeler to determine when certain fields should be hidden or displayed. The available conditions include: 

        • Filled/Empty: Allows users to define whether a field should be shown or hidden based on whether it is filled or empty. 
        • Equals/Not Equals: Users can specify if a field should be displayed or hidden based on whether its value matches or does not match a predefined value. 

        Key Benefits 


        Relevant Information

        With conditional forms, users will only see the information that is relevant to their specific needs, eliminating unnecessary clutter and improving the overall user experience. 

          Adaptive Forms

          By dynamically displaying or hiding fields based on business logic, conditional forms enable the creation of adaptive forms that adapt to different scenarios and use cases, providing a personalized experience for end users. 

          Efficient Workflows

          Conditional forms streamline workflows by presenting users with the most pertinent information upfront, reducing the time spent navigating irrelevant fields and improving overall efficiency. 

          We hope you love the new conditional forms feature as much as we do and will find it valuable in tailoring your forms to meet the unique needs of your business. We are committed to continually enhancing Flowingly to deliver seamless and user-friendly process automation experiences. 

          As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. 

          The Flowingly Team 

          Flowingly Product Update – April 2023

          Flowingly Product Update – April 2023

          Flowingly Product Update – April 2023

          NEW – Confidential Workflows

          We’re excited to announce the release of a much-anticipated new feature called confidential workflows!  

          We understand that the privacy and security of the data and IP being communicated within your flows is crucial, so we’ve designed this feature to give departments more control over the privacy of the information in their processes. 

          When a Flow Model is flagged as confidential the data contained within can only be accessed by the workflow creator and those involved in the workflow. This means that you can rest assured that your confidential information will remain secure and private.

          This will be especially helpful for HR or legal workflows which can often include personal information or sensitive data. 

            Confidential Workflow Use Cases

            HR Investigations

            HR teams may need to investigate sensitive issues such as harassment, discrimination, or employee misconduct. A confidential process workflow can ensure that only relevant parties are involved, and the details of the investigation are kept private. 

            Case Management

            Law firms may need to manage sensitive legal cases involving confidential client information. A confidential process workflow can ensure that only authorized personnel have access to the case files. 

            Background Checks

            HR teams may need to conduct background checks on potential employees, which involves sensitive information such as criminal records and credit history. A confidential process workflow can ensure this sensitive information isn’t shared. 

            Contract Management

            Law companies may need to manage contracts containing confidential information, such as non-disclosure agreements or employment contracts. 

            NEW – Formulas in Tables

            We’ve also added table formulas to the product. Formulas have been a common request from customers as they will often use tables to select products, similar to an e-commerce-type experience.  

            They have added a new field type within the Table component of the Form Designer called Formula. This feature allows users to apply calculations between columns within the same table. 

            With table formulas, users can save time and reduce errors by automating calculations that would otherwise have to be done manually. This feature is especially useful for businesses that need to quickly generate quotes, invoices, or other types of documents based on data in their tables. 

              Formulas in Tables Use Cases

              Sales quotes

              Sales teams can use table formulas to calculate the total cost of a customer’s order. The formula field can automatically multiply the quantity and price columns to generate the total cost, saving them time and reducing the risk of errors. 


              A finance team can use table formulas to create a budget for a project or department. The formula field can add up the expenses and subtract them from the available budget to determine how much money is left over. 

              Time tracking

              An HR manager can use table formulas to track employee hours and calculate pay. The formula field can multiply the number of hours worked by the employee’s hourly rate to generate their total pay for the week or month. 

              Quality control

              A manufacturing plant can use table formulas to monitor product quality. The formula field can calculate the percentage of defective products based on the total number of items produced, allowing the plant to identify and address issues in real-time. 

              Overview – 2022 R1

              Overview – 2022 R1

              Overview – 2022 R1

              We’ve levelled up our public forms.

              For our first release of 2022 we wanted to focus on improving the public form experience for form builders and users. 

              Since a good form can be the backbone of a workflow, making sure our public forms are as user friendly as possible was a definite focus to kick start the new year. 

              Big thanks to the teams at Upper Hutt City Council, Smart Environmental, SIT, Glenelg Shire Council for working closely with us on these features! 

              NEW – Create custom subject lines for public form submissions

              You asked, we answered. 

              Previously when a public form was submitted the subject line would be ‘public form submission’. Not ideal when it comes to differentiating submissions. 

              Now you can pull data from the form submission itself into the subject line as variables. 

              This could be things like a name, an address or even the form submitters favourite dog breed – the possibilities are endless. 

              This will save you time, helping you find the exact submission you were after at a glance. 

              NEW – Upload files to public forms

              We’ve also added the ability to upload files on public forms.  

              Now members of the public or non-Flowingly users can submit forms with an uploaded file.  

              This might look like photos of hazard submitted on a health and safety report form or a copy of the invoice on a rates rebate. 

              The icing on the cake? All the attached files will be visible and downloadable from the completed step tab of the Flowingly runner.  

              This will give you a full audit and access to all the files you might need – no more searching through email threads or endless folder structures. 

              NEW – Attach documents to public forms

              Since we’ve added the ability for your public form submitters to give you more info from the forms, we thought it only fair we allow form builders the same benefit. 

              That’s why we’ve added the ability to attach documents to public forms.   

              If you’ve ever built a public-facing form and thought ‘I wish I could upload a file to give a bit more context to the form’ now you can. 

              Flow builders can now supply files to improve user experiences when submitting forms.  

              This could be things like attaching a PDF of your company values on a customer complaint or your COVID-19 policy on a site visitor form. 

              Overview – 2021 R5

              Overview – 2021 R5

              Overview – 2021 R5

              Just when we thought our developers were done for the year, they pulled a last release out of the bag.

              And it’s a good one.

              We wanted to focus on user experience features for this release, getting stuck into some of our most highly requested features.

              Also, big shoutout to our awesome customers for helping us continuously improve the product with their feedback. 🤙

              NEW – Pull variables into email subject lines

              Nobody likes receiving emails. Receiving a bunch of emails with the same subject line? Even worse.

              That’s why we’ve added the ability to pull values from previous steps into customisable subject lines.

              Want to include the customer or employee name? Done. How about their address? Done.

              You can now include almost every step field in the email subject line, including values from short text, dropdown list, option list, currency, email, number, date, date time and lookup fields.

              NEW – Start flows from your library

              Have you ever been in the library page of your Flowingly account and thought “wow, I’d love to be able to start a flow from here?”

              Well, now you can.

              Alongside the classic permissions, edit, clone and delete icons you’ll now find the start icon in your library under Actions.

              NEW – Drag and drop file uploads

              Yes, you read that right. We’ve brought in the ability to drag and drop files in both the file upload and attach document step fields.

              While it may not seem like the most ground-breaking feature we’ve implemented, it’s a feature that has been highly requested and one that will hugely impact your day-to-day experience in Flowingly.

              Now when you need to attach a file you can drag it from anywhere on your computer. Your desktop, your downloads, anywhere really.

              With drag and drop, uploads have never been faster, or easier.

              NEW – Approval notifications

              Ever wanted to receive a specific email notification when an approval has been assigned to you?

              Currently, when a step is assigned to you, you’ll receive the same notification for steps and approvals.

              We’ve updated approvals to have specific notifications for approval steps.

              Making it easier for your people to identify what is required of them. More working, less searching.

              To see how you could cut admin and waste out of your processes, get a trial today!