Comparing Process Automation: Flowingly & Microsoft Power Automate

Comparing Process Automation: Flowingly & Microsoft Power Automate

Comparing Process Automation: Flowingly & Microsoft Power Automate

Process automation software has become a crucial tool for organisations aiming to streamline their operations. Flowingly and Power Automate are two automation players in the space, offering robust features and capabilities, yet they cater to different needs and preferences.

This blog explores the differences between Flowingly and Power Automate, highlighting their unique strengths and how teams can use both to level up their automation efforts. 

What is Flowingly?

Flowingly is a powerful process automation and workflow management tool designed to simplify and enhance business processes. It offers a user-friendly interface that allows organisations to automate complex workflows without the need for extensive coding knowledge.

Flowingly is particularly popular among businesses looking for an intuitive and flexible solution to manage their processes effectively. 

Flowingly is well-suited for organisations that prioritise ease of use and customisation. Its focus on user experience and flexibility makes it a preferred choice for resource strained businesses of all sizes.  

Key Features of Flowingly

  • User-Friendly Interface: Flowingly’s drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for users to design and implement workflows.  
  • No-Code Builder: Flowingly doesn’t require developers to automate processes. Its no-code builder empowers users of all technical levels to create and manage workflows without needing advanced programming skills.    
  • Unified Mapping and Automation: Flowingly offers process mapping and automation within the same product, providing a seamless experience from design to execution. This allows teams to visualise their processes and automate them within a single platform.  
  • Collaboration Tools: Flowingly facilitates collaboration among team members through features like task assignments and notifications.  

Flowingly is well-suited for organisations that prioritise ease of use and customisation. Its focus on user experience and flexibility makes it a preferred choice for resource strained businesses of all sizes.  

What is Microsoft Power Automate?

Microsoft Power Automate, formerly known as Microsoft Flow, is a comprehensive process automation tool that integrates seamlessly with the Microsoft ecosystem.  

It enables users to create automated workflows between various applications and services, both within and outside of Microsoft’s suite.  

Key Features of Power Automate

  • Integration with Microsoft 365: Power Automate integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365, making it an excellent choice for businesses already using Microsoft’s tools.  
  • Wide Range of Connectors: It supports a vast number of connectors, allowing integration with numerous third-party applications.  
  • Advanced Automation: It offers advanced automation capabilities, including robotic process automation (RPA) and business process automation (BPA).  

Power Automate is ideal for organisations deeply embedded in the Microsoft ecosystem or those needing advanced automation capabilities and AI-driven insights. 

How They Differ

While both Flowingly and Power Automate serve the purpose of automating processes, they do so in different ways and cater to distinct needs.  

Usability and Interface

Known for its highly intuitive, drag-and-drop interface, Flowingly is designed to be user-friendly, even for those without technical expertise. This makes it accessible to a broader audience within an organisation 

Power Automate’s interface can be more complex due to its extensive features and integration capabilities. It may require a steeper learning curve for new users or require additional development support 

Customisation and Flexibility

Flowingly provides customisation options for your processes, enabling businesses to build out workflows to their precise needs and create engaging visual workflows.

Power Automate boasts a lot of automation features and integrations, which can offer more sophisticated solutions but may require more technical expertise to fully leverage 

Target Audience

Best suited for small to medium-sized businesses or departments within larger organisations looking for a straightforward, easy-to-use automation solution.  

Geared towards larger organisations with significants resources or those with complex automation needs, especially those heavily invested in the Microsoft ecosystem.  

When to Use Flowingly vs. When to Use Power Automate  

Choosing between Flowingly and Power Automate depends on your organisation’s specific needs and existing infrastructure.  

When to Use Flowingly  

  • If you need a solution that is easy to set up and use without requiring extensive technical knowledge, Flowingly is an excellent choice.  
  • When your organisation lacks specialised developers, Flowingly’s no-code builder allows users to create and manage workflows without advanced programming skills.  
  • If you prefer a single platform that handles both process mapping and automation, Flowingly provides a streamlined experience from design to execution.  

When to Use Power Automate

  • If your organisation relies heavily on Microsoft products, Power Automate’s seamless integration with Microsoft 365 and other services will provide some advantages.  
  • For businesses that require advanced automation capabilities, including AI and RPA, Power Automate is designed to handle complex workflows and processes.  

How They Can Complement Each Other  

Interestingly, Flowingly and Power Automate are not mutually exclusive. They can complement each other, especially with Flowingly’s new Power Automate integration. 

Leveraging Flowingly’s Integration with Power Automate

Flowingly’s integration with Power Automate allows organisations to harness the strengths of both platforms.

Here are a few ways they can work together, along with example use cases:  

  • Effortless Azure Active Directory User Creation: Use Flowingly to design a user-friendly workflow for onboarding new employees. This workflow can trigger Power Automate to automatically create new user accounts in Azure Active Directory, ensuring a seamless and efficient onboarding process.  
  • Dynamic Document Automation with SharePoint and Microsoft Word: Design a custom document approval process in Flowingly. Once approved, Flowingly can use Power Automate to generate and store documents in SharePoint, leveraging Microsoft Word templates for consistency and professionalism.  
  • SMS Messaging with Microsoft 365: Flowingly can facilitate workflow notifications and approvals, while Power Automate handles SMS messaging through integration with Microsoft 365. For instance, sending customers reminders when they have an upcoming appointent.

Check out our webinar with Incendo for a look at the use cases above and how teams can use these workflows in tandem. 

Enhanced Flexibility  

  • Use Flowingly’s intuitive interface to design and customise workflows, then leverage Power Automate’s advanced automation features to talk to all the other tools in your stack.  
  • For businesses using Microsoft 365, Flowingly can integrate with Power Automate to ensure seamless connectivity and enhance productivity.  

By integrating Flowingly with Power Automate, organisations can create a more cohesive and powerful process automation ecosystem, leveraging the best features of both platforms to optimise their workflows and drive efficiency.  


Both Flowingly and Microsoft Power Automate offer robust solutions for process automation, each with its unique strengths. Flowingly excels in usability, customisation, and flexibility, making it ideal for organisations seeking an easy-to-use and adaptable tool.

Power Automate, on the other hand, is a powerhouse for those deeply embedded in the Microsoft ecosystem, offering advanced automation capabilities and seamless integration with Microsoft products.  

Ultimately, the choice between Flowingly and Power Automate depends on your organisation’s specific needs, existing tools, and long-term automation goals.

For many businesses, using both platforms in tandem can provide the best of both worlds, enhancing their ability to streamline operations and drive productivity. 


The Flowingly Blog

Get the flow-down on all things Flowingly. From process tips to product, we cover everything you need to level up your processes.

How to Create Engaging Process Maps Your Team Will Actually Follow

How to Create Engaging Process Maps Your Team Will Actually Follow

How to Create Engaging Process Maps Your Team Will Actually Follow

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, these comprehensive best practices will guide you towards creating engaging process maps that drive efficiency and clarity. No fluff, no jargon – just practical tips to elevate your workflow game.

Lay the Foundation with Clear Process Information

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of building better process maps, you’ll first want to ensure your processes are clear and make sense. Think about the key information that everyone, from new hires to seasoned veterans, need to understand and follow the process.  

Use plain language that everyone can understand, avoiding unnecessary jargon or technical terms. For example, instead of “utilise proprietary software,” opt for “use our in-house software tool.” 

Example: In your expense approval process, provide detailed instructions that outline each step clearly. Ensure you specify what criteria they consider when reviewing expenses. For new employees, include links to relevant policies and guidelines to help them understand the process better. For veterans, highlight any recent updates or changes to the process to keep them informed and up-to-date. 

Bring Your Processes to Life with Rich Content  

Text-heavy process maps can be daunting and overwhelming.

To enhance engagement and understanding, consider incorporating rich content such as videos, images, or links to relevant resources.  

Example: if your process involves a specific software application, embed a tutorial video demonstrating how to navigate it effectively. A five-minute video will be much more helpful than a 50-page PDF. Likewise, provide links to company policies or guidelines to provide additional context where needed. 

Master the Art of Process Design  

Designing a process map is similar to crafting a well-oiled machine – every component should fit seamlessly together to achieve optimal efficiency.

Start by outlining the main steps of your process in chronological order, ensuring that each step logically flows into the next.  

Example: Let’s say you’re mapping out an employee onboarding process. Begin by identifying the key stages, such as recruitment, orientation, and training. Then, break down each stage into smaller, actionable steps, such as conducting interviews, completing paperwork, and assigning mentors.  

Use Flowingly’s visual editor to arrange these steps in a logical sequence, ensuring a smooth transition from one stage to the next. With process linking in Flowingly, you can also build out a mega process with all the onboarding sub-processes in one. 

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify  

Complexity is the enemy of efficiency. As you design your process map, keep an eye out for opportunities to streamline and simplify.  

Are there any redundant steps that can be eliminated without sacrificing quality? Any bottlenecks that need to be addressed to improve flow?  

By trimming the fat and focusing on what truly matters, you can create leaner, more efficient workflows that minimise delays and errors. 

Example: In your employee onboarding process, you may discover that certain administrative tasks, such as filling out multiple forms, can be consolidated and done all at once (i.e. tax forms, KiwiSaver, contact details). By centralising these tasks and automating repetitive processes, you can reduce paperwork and streamline the onboarding experience for new hires. 

Embrace Best Practices for Process Mapping 

To ensure consistency and clarity across your process maps, it’s essential to embrace established best practices. Standardising naming conventions, using consistent symbols and colours, and documenting exceptions and variations are just a few examples of best practices to incorporate into your workflow design. 

Example: Adopt a standardised naming convention for activities and decision points within your process maps. For instance, use clear and descriptive labels such as “Review Application” or “Approve Request” to ensure that everyone understands the purpose of each step. Consistency in naming conventions makes it easier for team members to navigate and understand complex workflows. 

So there you have it – a comprehensive guide to building engaging process maps in Flowingly. By following these best practices and incorporating real-world examples into your workflow design, you can create streamlined, efficient processes that drive success for your organisation. Happy mapping! 

The Flowingly Blog

Get the flow-down on all things Flowingly. From process tips to product, we cover everything you need to level up your processes.

The 6 Things Every Team Needs for Success in Process Mapping and Automation

The 6 Things Every Team Needs for Success in Process Mapping and Automation

The 6 Things Every Team Needs for Success in Process Mapping and Automation

Process mapping and automation are powerful ways to improve the efficiency, quality, and consistency of your business processes. By documenting and optimising your workflows, you can eliminate waste, reduce errors, and increase customer satisfaction.  

The only issue is that it’s easier said than done to implement and sustain mapping and automation efforts. It requires a lot of planning, collaboration, and commitment from your team and your organisation. Without the right ingredients, your process improvement initiatives might fail to deliver the expected results, or worse, backfire and cause even more problems for your business.  

So, what are the 6 things every team needs for success in process mapping and automation? Let’s find out. 

1. A Product Champion

Meet your team’s biggest process fan – the product champion. This person isn’t just someone who knows their way around your mapping and automation tools; they’re someone who gets genuinely excited about it.  

They’re the one who communicates the ‘why’ around process improvement, shares success stories, answers questions, and rallies the team to make the most of your mapping and automation tools. Having a product champion on board ensures that everyone sees the value and potential in fully committing to process improvement. 

2. Leadership Support

When the leadership team is on board with your process mapping and automation plan, it’s a game-changer. This support goes beyond just giving the green light; it means having the necessary resources, time, and encouragement to make the initiative successful.  

With leadership support, the team can confidently leverage automation and mapping tools, knowing that their efforts align with the broader organisational goals and strategy. 

3. The Right Tools 

Finding the right tools for process mapping and automation is crucial. While Flowingly is a powerful software solution, it’s not going to be the right solution for everyone. The perfect fit can vary based on specific team needs – things like sizes, resources and business problems are crucial to assess before diving in head first.  

Understanding what tool will get the job done and meet your goals and expectations is key. Whether it’s Flowingly or another solution, the emphasis is on selecting a tool that seamlessly integrates with your workflow, ensuring a smooth and effective process mapping and automation journey. 

4. A Clear Scope and Objective 

A clear roadmap is essential for success in process mapping and automation. It’s not just about having a tool like Flowingly; it’s about knowing why you’re using it and what you aim to achieve.  

Defining a clear scope and objective ensures that the team is aligned, focused, and understands the significance of their efforts. Flowingly aids in this by providing a visual representation of workflows, allowing the team to see the bigger picture and work towards common goals with a shared vision. 

5. A Cross-Functional Team

Processes in an organisation are often interconnected, involving different departments and functions. A cross-functional team brings together diverse perspectives, skills, and experiences.  

With a tool like Flowingly, team members can easily share insights, ideas, and feedback. This collaborative approach ensures that all aspects of the process are considered, resulting in more robust and effective solutions. 

6. A Continuous Improvement Mindset 

Success with process mapping and automation is not a one-time achievement; it’s an ongoing journey. A continuous improvement mindset encourages the team to regularly review processes, seek feedback, and identify opportunities for enhancement.  

Flowingly supports this mindset by providing flexibility and adaptability to changing needs. It’s not just about automating for the sake of it; it’s about continuously striving for better, more efficient ways of working. 

In essence, these key elements create a powerful synergy when it comes to mapping or automating processes that (1) your team will love and use (2) solve genuine business problems.

With a champion, support from leadership, the right tools, a clear objective, a good team and a continuous improvement mindset, your team can take process improvement from a buzzword to an idea in action. 

The Flowingly Blog

Get the flow-down on all things Flowingly. From process tips to product, we cover everything you need to level up your processes.

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get Flowingly Mapping Pro 

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get Flowingly Mapping Pro 

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get Flowingly Mapping Pro 

1. You’re 100% happy with your current process mapping solution

That’s awesome. But hang on… why are you reading this? 

Flowingly Mapping Pro was created for a couple of people: 

  1. Those who were fed up overpaying for legacy process tools 
  2. Those who wanted to upgrade from your Visios, Lucids and Draw.ios of the world 

If that’s not you, we might not be for you. 

If you’re on the fence, read on. 

2. You want strict BPMN 2.0 adherence

Yeah, nah. That’s not us.  

BPMN 2.0 100% has its place. But as you’ll hear us talk about, we aim to take the BS out of work and that means providing a toolset that anyone in your workplace can use. 

And we’re pretty confident you’re not training your whole workforce in BPMN 2.0. 

We love BPMN. That’s why we took our favourite parts of it, the most commonly used and understood elements, and used them for Flowingly right from Day 1.  

But BPMN 2.0 is confusing for most, with over 70 different symbols and notations to wrap your head around. 

3. Budget isn’t an issue and you’re happy to pay whatever it takes for the best process stack around

Hey big spender. Look at you with your money bags! 

If you have unlimited pockets, go buy the best process tools you can, hire a bunch of engineers and integrate the s#@% out of them. 

Flowingly Mapping Pro is for those who don’t want to spend $40k+ on their process mapping solutions. It’s for teams who need to map now, and when you are ready to automate you can just add on Flowingly Automation Pro 

4. You don’t plan on automating any processes 

Look, we get it. Automation is the realm of IT. You already automate through your ERP. You’re not mature enough for process automation. 

We’re going to do our utmost to challenge those statements.  

Here’s why we believe that business-led process automation is so important: there are hundreds of manual processes across your organisation, and if you wait for IT to automate them in your clunky ERP you will still be doing them manually when you retire.  

Unfortunately, IT is subject to a major skills and budget shortage and core systems like ERPs and CRMs don’t typically have flexible and rapid workflow building tools.  

5. You prefer depth of features over simplicity 

Everyone (including us) wants more features and more power in their software. 

If only it were that simple. 

If you look at the software you truly love, as a user you’ll often find they have something in common. Simplicity. 

It’s easy to keep building more and more features into your applications. It’s really hard to do it in a way that keeps the software enjoyable and easy to use. 

That’s our focus at Flowingly. We don’t aim to provide the most powerful process tools that appeal to the 0.1%. We aim to take the BS out of work and that means providing process tools that are simple and easy to use for everyone. 

Flowingly offers a world of process mapping benefits, but it’s crucial to determine if it’s the right fit for your unique circumstances.  

Take a step back, assess your needs, and find a tool that aligns with your goals and resources. Remember, it’s all about finding that sweet spot where your organization can thrive with the right process mapping solution. 


The Flowingly Blog

Get the flow-down on all things Flowingly. From process tips to product, we cover everything you need to level up your processes.

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get Flowingly Automation Pro 

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get Flowingly Automation Pro 

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get Flowingly Automation Pro 

So, you’re thinking about diving into the world of process automation with Flowingly. Great choice! 

But before you take the plunge, it’s worthwhile figuring out whether Flowingly is the right fit for you.  

We decided to make this a little bit easier for you, so for this blog we’ve broken down five reasons why Flowingly might not be the right fit for your organisation.  

1. You have a (very) small team

Look, we get it—small teams have their own rhythm, and sometimes complex process automation tools can feel like overkill.  

If you’re running a tight ship with a small crew and your processes are relatively straightforward, Flowingly might be a bit too much firepower for your needs.  

Flowingly shines brightest when implemented across larger teams where process efficiency and collaboration are essential. With a smaller team, you likely have more direct and immediate ways of communicating and coordinating tasks. 

It’s the equivalent of using a flamethrower to light a candle. 

We usually find the sweet spot for Flowingly is at organisations with over 100 users, as they have many processes that impact across different teams and departments.  

2. You want process automation to sit solely with IT – and no one else 

If you’re the type of organization that firmly believes in the IT department being the exclusive gatekeepers of process automation, then Flowingly might not be the best choice for you.  

We love IT (shout out to our own IT team) but we know they’re super busy keeping the business running, preventing cyber-attacks and managing a hybrid cloud infrastructure.  

That’s why we’re all about empowering business users to actively participate in automating their own processes, that they use day in and day out.  

It’s like giving everyone a set of keys to unlock efficiency (with IT having oversight of course). 

But hey, if you prefer to keep those keys securely in IT’s hands, that’s totally understandable.  

So, if you’re adamant about keeping process automation strictly within the IT realm, there are other tools out there that cater specifically to IT-driven automation.  

They just aren’t as scalable. 

3. You don’t have time or resources for process improvement  

Let’s be real—process improvement isn’t something you can achieve overnight. 

Often it can feel like a Catch-22. You don’t have the resource for automation because everyone is overwhelmed and overworked due to a lack of automation, creating poor processes and admin workloads.  

It’s not just about the software; you need time and dedicated personnel to drive those process improvement initiatives.  

If you currently find yourself lacking the capacity to allocate at least 0.25 full-time equivalent (FTE) for process improvement, Flowingly may not be the right fit for your organization.  

Flowingly thrives when there’s a committed effort to drive continuous improvement, with a dedicated team or individual responsible for the task.  

However, if you’re already swamped and struggling to find the necessary time and resources to devote to process improvement, it might be worth exploring other alternatives that better suit your current limitations.  

Remember, real process improvement requires commitment and investment of time, resources, and energy. 

4. You have a large team of developers dedicated to automation 

If you’re fortunate enough to have a large team of skilled developers and you aren’t facing any challenges when it comes to scaling your automation efforts, Flowingly may not be the immediate solution you need.  

Flowingly enables business teams to streamline and automate their processes, making it a valuable tool for organizations who don’t have dedicated development resource.  

With the current IT shortage, many organisations have to prioritise automation projects, with the rest often ending up in a never-ending backlog.  

 However, if your team of developers is already adept at building and maintaining custom automation solutions tailored to your specific needs, you may not require a business-led automation function.  

5. You’re only interested in documenting processes, not improving them 

If your main goal is to document processes without diving into the deep waters of process improvement, you probably don’t need automation- yet. Flowingly Automation Pro thrives on making processes better, streamlining workflows, and empowering iterative improvements.  

We’re all about documenting processes, but you probably don’t need Automation Pro if documenting processes is your only goal. It might be just a little too much firepower for your immediate needs. 

Some folks are happy with a good old process flowchart tool. Others need a bit more mapping firepower. If the latter sounds more your speed, Flowingly Mapping Pro could be a good fit for you

But if you’re more focused on capturing process steps than making them sleeker and more efficient, you might want to explore more lightweight solutions. 

Flowingly offers a world of process automation benefits, but it’s crucial to determine if it’s the right fit for your unique circumstances.  

If you’ve got a small team, prefer an IT-centric approach, lack resources for process improvement, have an army of developers, or simply want to stick to process documentation, Flowingly might not be the right choice.  

Take a step back, assess your needs, and find a tool that aligns with your goals and resources. Remember, it’s all about finding that sweet spot where your organization can thrive with the right process automation solution. 


The Flowingly Blog

Get the flow-down on all things Flowingly. From process tips to product, we cover everything you need to level up your processes.

The Ultimate Guide to Measuring Process Improvement Success

The Ultimate Guide to Measuring Process Improvement Success

The Ultimate Guide to Measuring Process Improvement Success

Table of Contents


Why Should Teams Measure Success in Process Improvement?


The KPIs and Metrics That Matter When Measuring Process Improvement Success


Establishing Baselines and Goals

Whether you’re streamlining production in a manufacturing plant, optimising customer service workflows, or evaluating the effectiveness of your staff onboarding, the ability to measure success is paramount.  

It’s here that Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics can come into play, helping you evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the process improvement initiatives your organisation is investing budget and resources into.  

In this guide, we’ll delve into the significance of KPIs and metrics in the context of process improvement and explore the key indicators that can help provide valuable insights on your journey towards process excellence. 

Table of Contents


Why Should Teams Measure Success in Process Improvement?


The KPIs and Metrics That Matter When Measuring Process Improvement Success


Establishing Baselines and Goals

Why Should Teams Measure Success in Process Improvement?

Before we dive into specific KPIs and metrics, let’s underscore why measuring success is so important. 

Quantify Progress

By measuring your process improvement activities against KPIs, you’ll be able to see concrete, measurable data points that allow you to see just how much you’ve progressed.  

This could be the difference between feeling like there might be a difference and being able to speak to just how much things have improved. 

It can be especially helpful in helping you communicate the why to your organisation and getting leadership buy-in for future initiatives. 

Todd Energy has done this by comparing the number of processes they were able to automate pre- and post-Flowingly. This showed them that their rate of automation has scaled by 7x, with their team on track to automate more than 35 processes in their first 12 months, having automated 9 processes in the 3 years prior. 

Diagnose Problem Areas

KPIs and metrics can serve as diagnostic tools, pinpointing areas in your processes where there are bottlenecks.  

This data is invaluable for making informed decisions around where you should be focusing your improvement efforts. These metrics can also reveal unexpected opportunities for optimisation.

At Glenelg Shire Council, one single process (Kerbside Waste & Recycling Request) was taking their team 430 hours a year. This process now takes 61 hours, which adds up to over 9 weeks of a full-time job saved on a single process. 

Resource Optimisation

Armed with data-backed insights, you can allocate resources strategically.  

By directing your efforts and investments towards areas that yield the most significant improvements, you ensure that your resources are being used most efficiently. 

While Flowingly enables you to enable anyone in your organisation to automate and map processes, having a roadmap and priorities can help ensure your process improvement efforts are more focused. 

By measuring the speed that Todd Energy could scale their process automation with Flowingly, they were able to see the value of adding additional resource. They have now trained up six workflow builders across the organisation and have developed frameworks to democratise and embed process automation across the business. 

Continuous Improvement

Measuring success in process improvement provides valuable data-driven insights. It allows teams to learn from both successes and failures, understanding what worked and what didn’t. 

Armed with this knowledge, teams can adapt their strategies and approaches over time. Continuous learning ensures that process improvement efforts evolve to become more effective and aligned with changing organisational goals. 

Competitive Advantage 

Measuring the success of your initiatives also helps organisations enhance the efficiency and quality of their products or services. This, in turn, can lead to a competitive advantage in the market. 

Streamlined processes often result in improved customer experiences. Satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal and refer others, strengthening a company’s market positioning. 

The KPIs and Metrics That Matter When Measuring Process Improvement Success 

Now, let’s explore the KPIs and metrics that matter most in the realm of process improvement.

Process Time (or Cycle Time in the BPA world)

This is the time it takes to complete a process from start to completion. This is a critical metric to measure, especially when looking at the efficiency gains being made through process mapping and automation. 

Reducing the time required to complete a process will lead to enhanced efficiency and responsiveness, as well as improved customer satisfaction. 

According to a study by McKinsey, companies that focus on reducing cycle times can achieve a 20-50% increase in process efficiency. 

According to a report by Deloitte, companies that excel in reducing process cycle times are 2.5 times more likely to be leaders in their industries.

Quality Metrics

Metrics such as NPS, error counts, or customer complaints can often help you assess the quality of your processes.  

A focus on high-quality outputs not only reduces errors but also enhances customer trust and loyalty. These metrics are also often linked to things like process time, with faster, more consistent output improving your quality metrics. 

Increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can increase profits by between 25% and 95%, as reported by Bain & Company. 

Employee Satisfaction

Engaged and satisfied employees are more likely to contribute positively to process enhancements.  

Regular surveys can provide valuable insights into employee morale and help identify areas where support or changes are needed. 

Gallup found that companies with engaged employees outperform their competitors by 147% in earnings per share. 

Return on Investment (ROI)

When starting out on your process improvement journey, make sure you identify and create a list of all the processes that you are looking to map and automate.  

If these processes are currently done manually, make sure you run through the tasks involved with employees and calculate the average number of hours that it takes to perform each task, as well as the rough cost of the respective hours.  

By creating a benchmark for current productivity, you can easily compare pre- and post-implementation data. 

An easy way we like to do this is by looking at two key metrics: 

  • The time saved per process/request 
  • The overall time savings across all your processes 

This can give teams a good indication as to the processes that have seen the most significant improvements as well as the overall ROI of their process improvement initiatives. 

A study by McKinsey & Company revealed that organisations can achieve cost savings of 20-30% by implementing business process automation.

Compliance Metrics

In regulated industries, adherence to compliance standards is non-negotiable.  

Monitoring and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and standards is essential to avoid potential legal and financial repercussions. 

Non-compliance costs 2.65 times more than compliance, as per a study by the Ponemon Institute. 

Resource Utilisation

Evaluate how efficiently resources such as labour, materials, and equipment are being utilised within your processes.  

Optimising resource allocation can lead to cost savings and improved overall performance. 

Measuring success in process improvement involves not only collecting data but also making informed decisions that drive meaningful change.  

A study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that organisations that effectively manage resource utilisation can reduce overhead costs by 15-20%.

Establishing Baselines and Goals

One essential step that is often overlooked but critical to success is the establishment of baselines and goals. These benchmarks act as your starting point and destination, guiding your journey towards enhanced efficiency and performance.

In this section, we’ll delve into the significance of setting baselines and goals and how to do it effectively.

Why Baselines Matter

Before you can improve a process, you need to understand where it currently stands. This is where baselines come into play.

A baseline is a snapshot of your process’s current state, capturing its performance metrics, quality, and efficiency. By establishing a baseline, you gain clarity on what needs improvement, helping you identify pain points and opportunities for enhancement.

Defining Clear Goals

Once you have a baseline, it’s time to set your improvement goals. Goals in process improvement should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART).

For example, rather than setting a vague goal like “improve customer satisfaction,” aim for a SMART goal like “reduce customer complaint resolution time by 20% within six months.”

Your improvement goals should align with your organisation’s broader objectives.

Consider how your process improvements contribute to the company’s strategic goals. 

The Baseline-Goal Continuum

The relationship between baselines and goals is dynamic. As you make improvements, your baseline should evolve to reflect the new normal. Continuously update your baseline to reflect the process’s improved state. Simultaneously, revisit and adjust your goals to maintain a challenging yet achievable trajectory for improvement.

The KPIs and metrics you select should align with your organisation’s specific goals and reflect the improvements you aim to achieve. 

By consistently tracking and analysing these indicators, you can navigate your process improvement initiatives toward success, fostering a culture of continuous refinement and innovation. Remember that success isn’t just about reaching a destination; it’s about the ongoing journey of improvement and growth. 


The Flowingly Blog

Get the flow-down on all things Flowingly. From process tips to product, we cover everything you need to level up your processes.