Flowingly Webinar

How to automate the Travel Request Process in 30 Minutes

Get ready to revolutionise the way you manage travel requests! Join us on August 31st for an exciting new webinar led by our dynamic Customer Success Manager, Aaran Mercer.

Aaran Mercer

CS Manager

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Watch the full webinar recording 👇

Duration: 30 mins

We will never share your information, promise.

Manually handling travel requests can lead to a myriad of challenges—misplaced forms, approval bottlenecks, and the constant shuffle of paperwork.

As a Customer Success Manager, Aaran knows the ropes of optimising experiences. He’ll cover how you can slash your travel approval wait times, eliminate errors, and regain valuable time lost in unnecessary admin.

During this webinar, you will: 

💡 Edit a process to stay on top of travel policies and regulations effortlessly

📝 Transition from manual to automated travel requests in just half an hour

💪 Streamline approvals and eliminate process bottlenecks

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