Flowingly Webinar

How Councils Can Lay the Groundwork to Make Process Automation Easy

Jemma’s approach to modernising a small council with limited resources has been astounding. Learn how they are managing to achieve 60-70mins saved per process run without any development resource.

How Glenelg Shire Council have reduced admin time by 81% by automating their processes in Flowingly.

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In a 2016 report which surveyed NZ and NSW councils, only 12% of NZ councils rated their IT systems and strategy as effective, compared to 29% of NSW councils.

While customer expectations have changed in the 6 years since that report was run, a lot of automation projects and process improvement initiatives in councils have remained stuck in an IT backlog.

That’s why for our upcoming session with Glenelg we wanted to focus on understanding how they managed to get full business support for their process automation project through effective change management and how their no-code approach has enabled them to resource and scale their automation efforts.

You’ll leave the session knowing: 

🤔 Why process automation (not mapping) is fundamental for councils

🏗️ A framework for getting buy-in and proving the value of process automation

👍 Best practice for process automation change management 

👥 How you can actually resource this effort

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