Release Notes – 2019 R1

Feb 19, 2019Release Notes

With the new year comes new releases and we’re excited to announce some new features in Flowingly.

There are some very exciting features in this release, with the Flow Search and Pools features leading the way. These new modules are already proving very popular.

In case you haven’t seen the latest features and performance improvements, here are the highlights of our February release:

Flow Search

You can now search for a Flow by FlowID or subject text from anywhere in the application. This provides fast access to flows you want to work on.

Pools & Swim Lanes

Pools and Swim Lanes can now be added to flow diagrams. This allows users the ability to separate parts of a business process based on the team or user responsible, allowing greater clarity for process maps.

Print Map Only

You can now print/pdf just the diagram of your process maps. This makes it easier to review/make changes and work as a team on a process.

Performance Improvements

We’ve made a number of changes to improve the performance of Flowingly. This means you’ll notice reduced loading times for the following:

  •  Opening a Flow or Process Map in Modeler
  • Publishing a Model
  • Dragging a step around the canvas in Modeler