Process Resources

Guides and videos on how to build process excellence in your council from our expert process team.


Laying the Groundwork to Make Process Automation Easy

Jemma’s approach to modernising a small council with limited resources has been astounding. Learn how they are managing to achieve 60-70mins saved per process run without any development resource.

jemma glenel headshot


Business Analyst, Glenelg Shire Council


How Councils Can Deliver Modern Customer Experiences with Flowingly

In this eBook, we explore how councils and local government authorities can leverage Flowingly to streamline their operationss and deliver exceptional customer experiences in the digital age.


A Deep Dive Into UHCC’s Automated Rates Processes

An interactive workshop with Senior Rates Officer Kristen Scoble, where we took a closer look at Upper Hutt City Council’s implementation of Flowingly and how it has transformed how rates run at the council.


Senior Rates Officer, Upper Hutt City Council


How UHCC Transformed Their Processes From Paper to Digital, One Afternoon at a Time

Discover insights from Flowingly’s very own Sean Wallace, alongside Kristen Scoble from Upper Hutt City Council in discussing how their rates team revolutionised how they approach their email and paper-based rates processes.


Senior Rates Officer, Upper Hutt City Council


The Council Processes Hiding the Most Inefficiency

We analysed hundreds of different workflows to identify where councils have managed to make the biggest visibility, efficiency and compliance gains.


The Productivity Issues Hiding In Your Council’s Rates Processes

You pre-flight checklist for completing complex rates processes. It’s here to make sure our often-over-stressed human brains don’t forget something.


How to Kick Off Your Automation Project and Not Screw It Up

We identified some proven methods and tips for how to start automating tasks in your company from a change management legend, Tash Robb at rhipe.


Essential Processes for Local Government to Automate

We identify the key processes all local government organisations should be automating to deliver modern customer experiences and get the greatest gains in process efficiency.

Case Study

Glenelg Shire Council

How Glenelg Shire Council are saving 80+ weeks of admin every year by automating their processes in Flowingly, with a single automated process eliminating 9 weeks of admin.

jemma glenel headshot


Business Analyst, Glenelg Shire Council

Case Study

Upper Hutt City Council

How a council was able to shift their processes from manual to paperless and enhance their customer and employee experiences in the middle of a pandemic without developers.


Senior Rates Officer, Upper Hutt City Council